Electromagnetic force


Electromagnetic forces occur when an electromagnetic field interacts with electrically charged particles, such as those that make up a plasma (ie. electrons, protons and other ions). It include the electric force, which produces electric fields between charged forces, and the magnetic force, which manifests itself as magnetic fields wherever there are moving charges.

Plasmas interact strongly with electromagnetic forces, resulting in complexity in structure and motion that far exceeds that found in gases, liquids, and solids. This is exemplified by solar flares and the solar wind, which overcome the Sun’s magnetic field, accelerates away, and out into interplanetary space.

The formula that describe the behavior of electric and magnetic fields, and their interactions with matter, were derived by Oliver Heaviside (1831-1925), but are now called Maxwell’s equations after James Clerk Maxwell (1831–1879).

  1. #ElectromagneticForce#EMForce#Electromagnetism#EMFields
  2. #MaxwellsEquations#MagneticField#ElectricField#LorentzForce
  3. #FaradaysLaw#AmpèresLaw#ElectromagneticInteractions#EMRadiation
  4. #ElectromagneticSpectrum


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